On Saturday, me and daddy were hanging out and he said that I could have a friend come over for a play date! Daddy asked Ondi if Regan could come over and she said YES! We played with my puppies, watched movies in my bedroom and had a treasure hunt too. When her mom came to pick her up, she brought Regan's sisters with her so they could see the puppies too. After Regan left, I went outside and played with my new friends Ryan and Nicholas. They are my neighbors on each side. I was a little afraid of playing with boys at first but now I like it. We play hide and seek, red light green light, mother may I and Simon says. Now, I wait all day for them to get home from school so I can play with them.
I can't wait to start school! Mommy is also going to let me take swimming lessons! That is what I am most excited about. I will let you know when my "Guppy Classes" start. Well, talk to you soon...
(These are Regan's Sisters Britney and Cortney)
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